Sunday, September 20, 2015

Week 5

This week I attended the Fall ASBO (Association of School Business Officials) Conference.  As president elect of the organization I had commitments and duties Wednesday thru Friday.  The keynote speaker for the conference was Sam Glenn "The Attitude Guy".  My favorite quote from his presentation was "Your attitude is either in your way or leading your way"

Amazingly although I was out of town I was able to follow school events thru #cpsreds.  I am amazed how many awesome things are being shared.

Monday included school wide celebrations of the numerous winners Clinton Schools had a the recent Custer County fair.  We had winners in art, pottery, upholstery, and as always,  had many grand and reserve champion animals.  Also on Monday, Mr Stringer and Mr Meget  shared CHS students making roller coasters in the high school makerspace.

Tuesday was Dot Day at SES.  Flores, Paul, Marshall, Gifford and other classes participated in Dot Day activities.  Thanks Mrs. Hime for helping to organize these activities. Mrs Guant and the NES teachers started Tech Tuesday this week.

I challenge you to search #cpsreds and follow the remainder of the week.

Saturday Ms. Pool and her students invited the community and other schools to join them for International Observe the Moon Night.  They had moon rocks, telescopes and numerous activities for those who joined them to participate.

My challenge to you for the week is ask yourself every morning "Is your attitude in your way or leading your way?"

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